Working in the page

Once you have started a piece of sheet music successfully you will want to alter it.

Insert Functions

To start the insert process click the note or symbol BEFORE the section you wish to alter.

When this is done a blinking bar appears at the insert point and a “Remove to end” link becomes available.

To start insert process click a note or figure. A bar should appear at the next available insert point.

Remove to end

The first time you click to insert mode.
The “Remove from here” link will do exactly that. It will remove the rest of the file from that point.

Remove or copy a section

When in insert mode, click a second note. This will place another marker in front of the new note that was clicked.

Choosing an area to copy or delete

Please notice the link above the line that used to say “Remove from here”, now says “Remove section” and a new link appears that says “Click here to capture”.
The first link should remove everything in between the two markers.

The second is a copy or clip board function. If you click this link, the contents between the marks will be inserted from the place in the music that you click next.
At any time while in insert mode you may use the controls to input notes and symbols.

To turn off insert mode click the link that says “Insert on” next to the flashing arrow in the controls.