Words and Chords

You may add text to a piece of work.

Word and Chord Lines.

At the top of the page in the notewriter you should see something like this.

The controls for this are currently text links.

To input words or chords click the “+word” or “+chord” link. A text box will open up above or below the line or lines. Words go below chords go above. You must have at least written a clef and key to do this.

Text area that appears above the music line if you click the +chord link.

The input boxes for words and chords accept text currently. You can move things around with the space bar and enter key. When you click the save key the text will get written to the page.

The text area stays open to adjust things.

When satisfied click the “-chord” link in the left corner of the piece to turn off the box.
The word input works in a similar way.

Additional Text

In the same set of links is a “+add” control. This opens a text area that writes to a place under the final line of music. This text is meant for additional lyrics but you can write a story or anything as long as it pertains to music. It operates the same as the chord, word system but no sideways adjustment.

Comment Text

In the same set of links is a “+comm” link.
This opens the comment window for adding or editing. This file is saved in the form of username::comment for each line.

I will show you how to enable this for others in a later instruction.