Froopy’s Blog

If you are a member please log in from directory or if you just want to look go ahead.

Click here to sign up for a login name.

You will probably need no longer need QuickTime to use this site. The notation is played using the new audio tag supported by the major browsers.

For musicians, students, teachers of music and people who like music. Froopy’s Notebook is a sheet music reading, writing and content management system for the web.


Information collected is used to run the software at only. No information will be sold to third parties!

If you want to find out a little more first please continue to the “About” section.

You may also continue below for update posts.

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New sound files

There are new sound files for your enjoyment and pleasure, but mostly for your learning. They are much nicer than the other ones and I think they are complete.

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Your Experience

Welcome to a site in the works. If I wait until I consider it to be complete to open it, it will never be open. Please use it, as the biggest part of the development is coming and that is the handling of lots of users and files. Hint Hint..

What I am saying is I need you! 🙂

There are a lot of things i need to tell you about and things to make better but only so many hours. I would like to actually write some music with it too. haha.

The site needs to be looked at as a music learning sharing and teaching tool. It does not have the features of the current music software that is out there. The embedded player needs work. The wav files are prototypical and some are missing. It does not recognize repeats or ties etc.  Ties sometimes don’t make sense, wont go across measures etc.. Work to do.

Good things about it? Cost, nothing for now. Cheap when I start charging. No software from froopysnotebook to install on your computer. Almost instant controlled sharing, publishing and collaboration on a great web host.  File upload, embedding Youtube and linking to external sites and more.

See you soon.

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Merging Froopy with WordPress

WordPress is being integrated into the site that will eventually contain the help files and other things you might need.
You are looking at it now. It seems like a good system and something new will be learned.
The system is stable enough to start using.
So go ahead and start while the instructions are being written.
Who reads them anyway? 🙂

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What’s going on now

Last week the the move to the server at hostcentric was started.
Because the environment is different than my development platform this was necessary as I approach the beta phase.
Also wordpress has been installed which is what the front end will be based on.

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